Five benefits of telling a good story

Even before man learnt to draw on cave walls, oral storytelling had formed an integral part of cultures across the globe. Indigenous cultures worldwide, over a span of hundreds of years, developed unique stories to teach religion, morality, and life lessons to younger generations. With the advent of technology (print, audio-visual, internet) stories began to be passed on in a recorded format. As a result, stories that made their way into popular culture spread like wildfire & local stories got buried in the past.

However, more and more writers & filmmakers are moving back to local folklore. Instead of depending on the countless remakes of Cinderella & Superman, they are telling stories that are closer to their culture. Here are the top five benefits of telling stories that you are familiar with:

#1: Birth of new ideas

Telling local stories gives rise to new & creative ideas. There are many unexplored ways of telling the same story. And you can only tell a story from a different perspective if you know it well. Retelling of old stories is fast becoming the chief reason for new creative ideas to take fruit amongst people.

#2: Rise of new talent

The dissemination of local stories gives rise to new talent. Script writers, screen play writers & storytellers, in general, get a chance to showcase their talent by creating new plot lines & characters.

#3: Diversity amongst masses

The spread of local stories enhances diversity among cultural groups. As local stories find their way into mainstream, their uniqueness is made available to masses throughout the world.

#5: Reaching a larger audience

The formula of old wine in a new bottle is no longer relevant. People are looking for new stories that form a window in to a different culture. The Americanised way of storytelling is being challenged with indigenous tales coming to the forefront.

#4: Licensing & fee

Lastly, it is always more profitable to tell a local story to save on licensing & fees. The most popular works are held in copyright & cost a lot in order to be retold. While producing a movie or any other work of art, it is always cheaper to talk about a fresh story than one that is already copyrighted.

Can you think of more benefits of telling a story from your own culture? Share with us in the comment box below.


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